Review of The Night Tiger—Malaysian Magical Realism

The Night Tiger coverWhat’s more terrifying than a werewolf? Perhaps a man-eating weretiger! Yangzse Choo’s second novel, The Night Tiger, which came out last month, explores the Malaysian folklore surrounding harimau jadian—tigers who can take on the form of a man in order to get closer to their prey, almost the reverse of the werewolf myth. As in her first book, The Ghost Bride, Choo cleverly weaves together vivid depictions of Malaysia under British rule with a sense of magical realism that brings the region’s unique blend of cultures and beliefs to life. Continue reading Review of The Night Tiger—Malaysian Magical Realism

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns Review—Rooting for the Villains

As a lover of the dark side, I often find myself more intrigued by the villains of a story than by the heroes. Villains have such complexity of character and face the hardest decisions—not to mention that they tend to have a vastly superior wardrobe and aesthetic. I was delighted, then, when it slowly dawned on me while reading Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao that this book is the origin story of a villain—of one of the most classic of villains, in fact. Set in a fantasy world resembling ancient China, this novel re-imagines the tale of Snow White and gives it a new spin by focusing on the ascent of the woman who will ultimately become the “Evil Queen.” Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is the first book in the Rise of the Empress series. Its sequel, Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix, comes out tomorrow, November 6, so now is the perfect time to hop on the bandwagon! Continue reading Forest of a Thousand Lanterns Review—Rooting for the Villains

Review of The Ghost Bride

The Ghost Bride book coverGetting married to a complete stranger can be terrifying … especially if that stranger is already dead! Yangsze Choo tackles the obscure cultural practice of “ghost marriages” in her debut novel, The Ghost Bride. Set in 1890s Malaysia (or Malaya, as it was called at the time), the book is historical fiction with a paranormal twist, drawing on Chinese mythology and notions of the afterlife, as well as the author’s own imagination. The Ghost Bride brings together everything I love—the Victorian era, ghosts, romance, and learning about other cultures—all in one story, and I’m so excited to have come across this new author.  Continue reading Review of The Ghost Bride